What We Do
Activities and Accomplishments
- 1999 – L. Jackson Post Office and Drury Inn Total retention of stormwater
- 2000 – Muck removal support
- 2002 – Palafox/Arbor Properties
- 2004 – Summerfield PUD – Closed basins
- 2005 – Palafox Preserve – conservation easements and major retention facility
- 2006 – 2009 FDOT I-10 Widening –
- 2007-2008 – CVS PUD N. Monroe/Bainbridge
- 2011 Web site: www.friendsoflakejackson.org
- 2013 – 2018 New Aquatic Management Plan
- 2014 – 2018 Lake Protections changes to Comp Plan
- 2014 – 2018 Restart & run Lake Watch Program
- 2016 – 2018 NWFWMD SWIM Plan
- 2018 – Lake Jackson Aquatic Preserve Management Plan
- 2019 – Engage DEP re. a TMDL/BMAP for Lake Jackson and collaborate with Blueprint for Greenway Plans.
- 2020 – Work with Leon County toward rule for developers to build and test stormwater facilities before further building.
- 2021- Lakefront controlled burn pilot program
Management Issues
1. Support steps to bring and maintain water quality to state standards:
a. Explore methods for exporting nutrients (drawdown mucking, vegetation harvesting)
b. Continue to reduce the impacts of stormwater run-off
c. Maintain high quality water quality monitoring program
2. Make the lake a better recreational resource:
a. Evaluate economic impacts/benefits
b. Enhance public access/use
3. Continue to protect the wildlife habitats of the lake:
a. Evaluate economic impacts/benefits
b. Publicize wildlife/natural resources
4. Enhance public information and public involvement:
5. Identify an official/administrative structure with the responsibility and authority to move these goals ahead:
6. Identify sources and develop strategies for securing funding:
Specifics/Advocacy Plans
1. Contact Democrat Editors, WFSU Show, Op-Ed, Presentation to Civic Groups, PublicMeeting
2. Identify the objective information resources that can support the management plan