Wilson Wright was one of the founding members of Friends of Lake Jackson. He was active up until the very end, always eager to get...
Author archive for: Teresa Carrion
Lake Jackson is drawing down!
It is happening. As of this morning, June 7th, 2021, the lake is quickly pouring down in to the sinkhole. Access to the sinkhole is...
Tallahassee ‘environmental warrior’ Pamela Hall dies
Pam Hall was on the FoLJ Board from 8-18-15 to 12-29-17. But she continued to attend meetings and work in defense of the lake long...
Reported Sewer Spill on Ford’s Arm
Please take note of the below report of sewer spill on Ford’s Arm. There is also a map attached of the location if you live...
TD Reports: $900,000 Lake Jackson Greenway project in the works after getting Blueprint green light
$900,000 Lake Jackson Greenway project in the works after getting Blueprint green light Karl Etters, Tallahassee DemocratPublished 8:26 a.m. ET May 5, 2019 | Updated 10:58...

LJAP Buffer Project completed with the help of generous volunteers!
On Wednesday, January 16th, a dozen people showed up to help plant a variety of native trees and plants along the edges of the the...
WTXL ABC Tallahassee Covers FoLJ Meeting
http://www.wtxl.com/news/friends-of-lake-jackson-discuss-possible-algae-bloom/article_8b481ddc-b722-11e8-9171-c77995695cae.html TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) – The Friends of Lake Jackson volunteer environmental group held a meeting Wednesday, discussing a possible algae bloom in the lake. They...
Campaign to prioritize Lake Jackson TMDL has begun!
Draft letter for campaign to obtain support for obtaining a priority scheduling of the Lake Jackson TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load.) There is an opportunity...